

March 19Spring Trip Chaperone Meeting @ 6:30PM in the Band Room
March 24Spring Trip: Surcharge Payments (Student Payment #5 & Chaperone Payment #4) Due
March 2025Band Spring Trip! Spring trip packets were sent home with students at the end of first quarter. The packet is also posted in Schoology. Please review the trip details.
April 1Senior Scholarship applications open
April 8Booster Meeting - Band Room (6:30PM)
April 9Restaurant Fundraiser @ Chipotle, 4:00-8:00PM
April 24All-State Band
April 30Senior Scholarship applications close
May 3Solo & Ensemble Festival @ Frost MS
May 13HS Band Spring Concert
May 18HS Band Banquet
May 22MS Band Spring Concert
May 27Jazz band concert
June 4LBSS Graduation
June 10Booster Meeting - Band Room (6:30PM)