Welcome to the Lake Braddock Band website!
Join a Band Facebook Group or follow us on Instagram and Twitter:
- Middle School Parent Page: LBSS Middle School Band Parents (private group)
- High School Parent Page: Lake Braddock HS Band Families (private group)
- Facebook Booster’s Page: Lake Braddock Band Boosters (public for advertising and marketing)
- Instagram: lbmarchingbruins
- Twitter: @LBSSBand
Marching Bruins

The history of the Lake Braddock Band is one of continued excellence reflecting the dedication of hard-working students, parents, and faculty. Lake Braddock is the only school in the Commonwealth of Virginia to be designated a Virginia Honor Band for 40 consecutive years and 41 superiors in marching assessment!
See the list of honors and awards the Lake Braddock Band has received over the last few years.
Support the band — Join the Band Boosters
Your membership supports many band needs, and your volunteerism keeps our wonderful program running smoothly. Come to a meeting and join the fun!